Summer Egg Tempera Workshops
A schedule of 3 sessions will take place from 9:30 to 3:00 at St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church, 2215 Third Street NE, Minneapolis. Please call Deb at 612-889-5868 or email at to register and order your icon board. The board measures 18 inches by 22 inches. We anticipate that the work on the icon will take place over the span of summer egg tempera workshops 2018 and 2019.
June 20,21,22- July 25,26- October 17,18,19
Tuition- $50.00/day
Icon- Theotokos of the Unburnt Bush
The icon of The Unburnt Bush was chosen in order that we enter into the deep meanings of the symbolisms encountered in this icon. Taken from Iconreader, “The traditions and teaching of the Christian Church often appear to change and evolve over time. Yet from within it can be seen that it is not that the teaching itself changes, but that each generation brings new ways to express their Faith, which itself is eternal and unchanging. A perfect example of this is the Icon of the Theotokos – “Unburning Bush”. Indeed, the Icon in its current form weaves together numerous ancient teachings of the Church – on the Mother of God, the Incarnation, Old Testament Prophecies and Angelology – into a single, stunning composition. Peeling the layers of this Icon are both rewarding and illuminating.” The icon of the burning bush/unburnt bush on Mount Horeb is a type or prefiguration of the Most Holy Theotokos, who giving birth to Christ remained a virgin, burning with fire yet not consumed.
In class we will follow a Russian icon of The Burning Bush. The earliest prototype is said to have been originated at St. Katherine’s Monastery on Mt. Sinai.
Russian icon of the Theotokos of the Unburnt Bush
The miracle that Moses witnessed on Sinai in the burning bush
Foretold your virgin childbearing, O pure Mother.
We the faithful cry to you:
Rejoice, O truly living bush!
Rejoice, O holy mountain!
Rejoice, O sanctified expanse and most holy Theotokos!
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