Join our spiritual tour of St. Petersburg, Russia and the Holy Land in the fall of 2017! This pilgrimage is designed to be an Orthodox spiritual journey you will remember forever! We offer you the opportunity to travel with us to both Russia and the Holy Land OR you can choose to visit only the Russian or only Holy Land segments of this trip.
A registration form is attached 2017 Tour Registration. Brochure Holy Land Itinerary Fall 2017
This group will be limited to a maximum of 30 person(s) to ensure a meaningful spiritual journey.
If you are interested in this pilgrimage, we need your commitment as soon as possible to arrange for the most inexpensive airline tickets. Please contact Deb at or 612-889-5868.
Thank you!
Hi Debra, Iwas talking to my sister about this ,Hokykand Tour, she is interested with her husband. If they go I would like to also. Is there still room? Denise