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The Ministry of Iconography

The Divine Iconographer is the Holy Spirit. Nothing can be accomplished without the grace of the Holy Spirit. By coming into deeper communion with God through prayer and practice, the prayerful art form of the icon can cultivate spiritual awareness calling us to become one in God’s truth. The icon reveals the truth of the grace of the Holy Spirit coming to all Christians and affecting all of salvation. St. Athanasius exclaimed, “God became man, so that man might become God”. In other words, life is a calling to become perfect. The desire to become perfect is a holy task. The icon is a holy gift which in its artistic perfection is not only a reflection of celestial glory, but a concrete example of matter restored to its original harmony and beauty in the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Blog: Inspiration, News, and Events

Serbia Fall 2025 Pilgrimage

2025 Serbia Pilgrimages Fall/ September 23- October 5th Please consider joining this pilgrimage event in 2025! Icon Art Studios recently hosted 2 pilgrimages to Serbia. These experiences were extremely successful in the warmth and expertise of our host and tour guide from Belgrade/UB. “To go on a pilgrimage is to travel at a much deeper […]

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Iconography Summer Evening Retreats

Iconography Study Evening Retreats Starting in June 2024, we will be offering classes, events, and demonstrations twice a month to bring people together for fellowship and learning in iconography at St. George Greek Orthodox Church. Classes will vary in cost and length of time but will generally be a late afternoon/evening event. Cost posted with […]

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Serbia Pilgrimages

Icon Art Studios Hosting Cultural/Art/Historical Pilgrimages to Serbia Icon Art Studios recently hosted 2 pilgrimages to Serbia. These experiences were extremely successful in the warmth and expertise of our host and art historian tour guide from Belgrade/UB.These pilgrimages will continually be offered in the fall and spring if group numbers fill to a minimum of […]

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2024 Icon Class Session 2 and 3

Icon class sessions 2 and 3(there are still openings to sign up)“The icon is executed upon light” – as we build our layers of lighter color upon each other/ we are actually executing “light” into the processes of technique.  This sentence expresses the whole ontology of icon painting.  As technique becomes perfected; the iconic image […]

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Dancing in the Reign

So many of the blessings in the connection of my relationship with God has been inspired by my journey into life with the horse. Particularly dressage training, the unending execution of harmony between horse and rider. In this sport, horse and rider perform a routine of memorized steps and movements, and it requires an extremely […]

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