I am second generation American with Slavic roots. During my formative years as a child and young adult, icons brought me into a world of joy and contemplation and icons transported me into a world where the laws of existence were far more harmonious than in our temporal world. Being an Orthodox Christian, I prayed before the icons and felt the mystery of holiness in the personages depicted. I felt the Holy protecting and sheltering me through years of deep struggles. Looking back, I see that my way has been joyful, deep, sincere, mysterious, and I dare say “sacramental” in its original meaning. The Latin word “sacrament” is equivalent to the Greek term “mysterion”, mystery. It denotes a reality which is hidden, but gradually revealed through living a life in Christ’s baptism in the existence of the Church. The images spoke to me about this, everything visible assumes an invisible dimension, everything created assumes an uncreated perspective, everything purely mundane becomes deeply mystical, timely-timeless.