We have ended our 2018 winter icon class sessions and extend a thank you to both the Basilica and St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church for offering their space to support the work of iconography. Our next sessions will be egg tempera technique offered in the upcoming summer months. Please visit 2018 Summer Workshops at
A warm thank you to all students faithfully and genuinely striving towards deeper understanding of the icon and its journey, and to all students that are dedicated to entering into the work of each archetype year after year.. Upon completion of each and every icon and after its blessing, the icon fully provides a privileged point of contact between the viewer and the subject of the image. The icon is an organic, living, breathing piece of creation that moves through time to speak to us. The key is to maintain its universality so that it may reach across generations. The creation of each icon is a spiritual journey steeped in tradition and culture. For the iconographer, there is a physical, mental and spiritual preparation necessary to achieve an inner silence and facilitate full immersion into the art form and in that discipline be able to create a window into the heavenly world that communicates a living, power- filled presence. An eternal message in the reality of timelessness. Icons are intended to respond to deep questions through each set of problems that trouble the hearts of each generation. For this reason, the life of the message in the icon rooted in the depictions of the canonically sanctioned subjects many times will reflect the times and historical circumstances experienced by the artist/iconographer. The icon’s expression may be a manifestation of the artist’s individual faith circumscribed by culture and a society’s aesthetic and material possibilities. The artistic spirit works towards an attempt to restore balance between material and the spiritual, order and disorder, abundance and asceticism.
May the Holy Spirit bless the work of your hands!
Christ is the icon of the invisible God.
All things were created through him and for him.
The Word became flesh
And dwelt among us.
Let us pray.
Almighty God, whose Son our Savior manifested your glory in his flesh,
and sanctified the outward and visible to be means to perceive realities
unseen: Accept, we pray, this icon …………(Sts. Peter and Paul (session 2) and St. Mary Magdalene (session 3), and grant that as we look upon it, our hearts may be drawn to things which can be seen only by the eye of faith; through Jesus Christ our Lord (session 1-The Holy Face).
Amen. (an Orthodox blessing prayer for icons)
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