The model for the 2015 summer workshops will be the prototype:
the icon of The Theotokos of the Sign/ Panagea (Greek)/ The Mother of God Znameniye (Slavonic)

18th century icon in the Transfiguration Church, Kizhi Monastery, Karelia, Russia
“Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14).
The panel size for the summer workshop will be 14 x 14 inches, arched on the top. The panel will cost approx. $90.00.
You are welcome to work in the acrylic technique if you do not feel comfortable in practicing the egg tempera technique.
The workshop will consist of three -2 or 3- day sessions in June, July or August and September at St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church, Minneapolis. The first session will take place on Tuesday through Thursday June 23-25, 9:30 to 3:00.
Tuition will be $50.00 a day rather than charging an entire fee for the workshop. That will allow greater flexibility for being able to attend. Those that are able to attend the entire workshop ( 7 or 8 days total) will receive a $50.00 discount.
Please respond by April 10th if you are interested ( or 612-889-5868). I will ask for $90.00 deposit to cover the cost of the panel. More information to follow.
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