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We will continue our summer egg tempera workshop on the following dates:

August 18,19 and 20 and October 26, 27 from 9:30 to 3:00 at St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church.

We discussed the history of the image “Theotokos of the Sign” and the ranks of angels.  Fr. Ihar lead a discussion on the 9 orders of angels beginning with the depiction of the seraphim included in the summer workshop icon.

http://orthodoxwiki.org/Seraphim (from Orthodox wiki) The six-winged Seraphim are the angels closest to God (Isaiah 6:2) who, due to their closeness to God, resemble fire (Hebrews 12:29; Daniel 7:9; Exodus 24:17; Psalms 103:4). Due to this closeness to God, and their appearance, they were given the name ‘seraphim’, which in Hebrew means ‘flaming’. They are aflame with love for God and kindle others to such love.

First Hierarchy: Seraphim/Cherubim/Thrones

Second Hierarchy: Powers/Dominions/Principalities

Third Hierarchy: Virtues/Archangels/Angels

Icon of the Synaxis of Angels

Icon of the Synaxis of Angels

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