I have returned back from a very worthwhile international conference held at the Museum of Russian Icons, Clinton, Massachusetts on June, 11-13, 2015. Offering insights into the development of iconographic studies and related disciplines, Icons and Iconology, explored recent developments in the dialogue between theology, art history, philosophy and cultural theory concerning the ways we perceive and interpret icons, iconography and iconology, and reflected upon their future development in the broader context of the humanities.
This link http://museumofrussianicons.org/research/files/1114/3318/6287/CISConferenceHandoutPostPrintOPT.pdf offers you a schedule and a condensed journal featuring a few papers which were presented at the conference. I met many very wonderful participants and staff at The Museum of Russian Icons http://museumofrussianicons.org/en/ were so graciously generous and serving to all. I am very thankful to the hosting institutions making it possible to gather together for enlightenment in the study and practice of iconography.
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