Minneapolis, Mn
New Installations- (2006-2009)
- St. Sharbel (Lebanese Maronite saint) (acrylic method and 22 kt. gold on gessoed panel)
- Divine Mercy (acrylic method and 23kt. gold on gessoed panel). The image in Orthodox Byzantine iconography takes its prototype from the biblical passage, John 20:19- 31. Feast Day in the Western Catholic Church: the first Sunday after the Day of the Resurrection.
- Christ appears in white representing the Resurrection. His white robes are created with shades of blue and shades of red denoting the nature of His humanity and His divinity. The red cloak represents his Divine nature and the blue cloak represents taking on the cloak of humanity. He is depicted as He is found in the icons of The Doubting Thomas revealing the wound on His right side, and on His hands and feet. The feast of the Divine Mercy image is celebrated on The Sunday of St. Thomas in which John 20: verse 29 is a beatitude on future generations; faith, not sight, matters.When we assemble in Christ’s name, especially on His holy day, He will meet us, and speak peace. The disciples of Christ should endeavor to build up one another in their most holy faith, both by repeating what they have heard to those that were absent (as was St. Thomas), and by making known what they have experienced. The Holy Face of Christ fills our souls with great magnitude of iconographic joy. He reaches out to us in love, He invites us to know God, He comes to us not to condemn but to save. His Face remains open to all the sorrows of the world. In His face we see everything which encompasses human nature; body, soul, emotions, thoughts and will. In His face all exist in perfect harmony, beautiful and transparent to the light of Divine Nature.
- The Rays – the rays are rendered in light blue and light red signifying John 19:34: Instead, one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once blood and water came out. Water represents baptism and blood represents communion. The symbolism is portrayed in the Divine Mercy chaplet:
Jesus who died but the source of life flowed out for souls and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. O fount of life, immeasurable Divine Mercy,cover the whole world and empty yourself out upon us. O blood and water which flowed out as a fountain of mercy for us, I trust in you. Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, Have mercy on us and on the whole world (repeat thrice) Jesus, King of mercy, I trust in you!
- The Footstool – important figures and figures of royal designation are emphasized from other figures in the composition by placing their feet on a footstool or podium. The design of the footstool also moves the figure closer to the onlooker and reads “Jesus I Trust In You.”
- The Prodigal Son (acrylic method and 23 kt. gold leaf on gessoed panel)
- Christ Healing the Leper (acrylic method and 23 kt. gold leaf on gessoed panel)
- Washing of the Feet (acrylic method and 23 kt. gold leaf on gessoed panel)
- Christ Among the Children (acrylic method and 23 kt. gold leaf on gessoed panel)
- Christ Feeding the 5,000 (acrylic method and 23kt. gold on gessoed panel)